Kate Fletcher Counselling Online

Frequently Asked Questions

What will be the structure of therapy?
The first step will be inviting you for an assessment, where we can look at your presenting issues and what you would like to achieve from therapy.
If you feel happy to work with me, we can discuss a plan for therapy with either 12 initial sessions to be reviewed or ongoing sessions which will be reviewed regularly.

How long do sessions usually last?
The sessions are for 50 minutes and would be every week, every two weeks, once a month -depending on how frequently you require therapy.

Will my details be kept confidentially?
Personal information will be kept securely, on password protected devices and in lockable storage. Client records and notes will be anonymised to protect the client’s identity.

Is information shared with anyone?
Information shared in sessions is confidential, and will not be shared with others unless being discussed with you first. If confidentiality needs to be broken for safety reasons I will discuss this with you first and attempt to gain your permission. However, if the law requires me to break confidentiality, I may be required to do so with or without your permission.
Breaking confidentiality is when I would pass your information on to someone else - this would be in exceptional circumstances where I felt that you were at risk of harm or someone else was at risk of harm. This is done to keep you and others safe.

Can I have access to my information?
If you wish to access your records, please put this to me in writing and I will release your information to you within 5 working days.

Will sessions be recorded?
It is good practise to record sessions and reflect on them in supervision. However, I will always ask permission to record sessions and this isn’t required for you to have therapy.

What qualities do you have?
I consider myself to be caring, honest, genuine, empathic, warm and I have good listening skills.

What happens if I can’t attend my session?
Sometimes you may need to cancel sessions due to unexpected circumstances. If so please give as much notice as possible, cancellations without 24 hours notice may be charged full price for the session.

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